This article explains what the different colour LED lights on your wheezo device mean.
Above the wheezo power button (4) is an LED indicator (3). The colour and pattern of the light on the display (solid or flashing) provide you with important information about wheezo and can be helpful to know, especially for troubleshooting.
Refer to the table before for more information:
The wheezo device has not been paired to any mobile device and is ready to be paired. The blinking blue LED indicates that wheezo is transmitting a signal for pairing. wheezo should appear in any mobile device's Bluetooth settings under 'Other Devices'. |
After successfully pairing wheezo via Bluetooth for the first time, the wheezo device will flash alternating blue and white to indicate that it is ready to be connected to the app on the desired mobile device OR If the wheezo device is paired to another mobile device (not the desired device) then you will need to reset the pairing by completing the hard reset of wheezo. TIP: Not sure if wheezo is paired to your desired mobile device? This can occur when the lights are flashing alternate blue and white and you cannot connect it to the respiri app to take a recording. You can check by opening the mobile device's Bluetooth settings. When you look at the list of devices in the mobile's Bluetooth settings and if you don't see wheezo in either "My Devices" or "Other Devices" and the LED is flashing alternate blue & white then wheezo is NOT paired to the desired mobile device and you need to complete the hard reset of wheezo
The wheezo device has been paired to a mobile device AND connected to the respiri app. It is ready to be used for a wheezerate recording. NOTE: If you wish to use a different mobile device from your usual device to take a recording, a hard reset of wheezo is required. |
wheezo device is connected to a USB charger and battery charging is in progress. NOTE: A wheezerate recording cannot be taken whilst wheezo is being charged. |
wheezo device is connected to a USB charger and the battery is fully charged. |
wheezo device battery is below 15%. NOTE: A wheezerate recording cannot be completed when wheezo battery is 15% or below. OR wheezo device background microphone(8) is covered. |
wheezo device encountered an error. |
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wheezo® is not intended for diagnostic use. wheezo® is intended to detect and record abnormal breath sounds (continuous adventitious breath sounds/CABS) at the windpipe (trachea), reported as WheezeRate in adults and children (2 years and older).
When used to monitor wheeze, the user should be under the care of a licensed healthcare professional. A licensed healthcare professional’s advice is required to understand the meaning and importance of wheeze rate.
If the user is feeling breathless, or experiencing other symptoms, it is important to prioritise treatment over taking a wheeze rate. Do not delay treatment. Regardless of the wheeze rate, if the user has signs and symptoms such as, but not limited to, chest tightness, shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing, they should always follow their healthcare professional’s advice.
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