This article explains how to edit or remove the reliever and preventer medication/s that you have added to the respiri app.
In case you needed to update the medications in the respiri app, you can do so by following the steps below:
- Open the respiri mobile app and go to Medications to edit/remove relievers or preventers that have been entered.
From Medications, go to the Relievers tab to edit relievers OR go to the Preventers tab for the preventers. - To edit or remove the reliever medications, go to the Relievers tab and tap the pencil icon with a blue circle
beside the name of the medicine. And in the Edit reliever screen, you can either:
(1) update the Medicine, Dosage type or # of Dosage; or (2) tap Remove reliever to delete; then tap Save changes to confirm the changes made.
You can also do the same for preventers. Go to the Preventers tab and tap the pencil icon with a blue circlebeside the name of the medicine. And in the Edit preventer screen, you can either
(1) update the Medicine, Dosage type, and # of Dosage or Frequency; or (2) tap Remove preventer to delete the medicine. Do not forget to tap Save changes to confirm the changes made.
NOTE: Other medications can also be edited in the same way.
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How do I log my medications in the respiri app?
How do I add my medications in the respiri app?
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wheezo® is not intended for diagnostic use. wheezo® is intended to detect and record abnormal breath sounds (continuous adventitious breath sounds/CABS) at the windpipe (trachea), reported as WheezeRate in adults and children (2 years and older).
When used to monitor wheeze, the user should be under the care of a licensed healthcare professional. A licensed healthcare professional’s advice is required to understand the meaning and importance of wheeze rate.
If the user is feeling breathless, or experiencing other symptoms, it is important to prioritise treatment over taking a wheeze rate. Do not delay treatment. Regardless of the wheeze rate, if the user has signs and symptoms such as, but not limited to, chest tightness, shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing, they should always follow their healthcare professional’s advice.
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